David Copperfield - Book 1
by Charles DICKENS (1812 - 1870)
Preface by the Author - 3:51
I Am Born - 27:10
I Observe - 47:47
I Have a Change - 39:17
I Fall Into Disgrace - 44:19
I Am Sent Away - 46:51
I Enlarge My Circle of Acquaintance - 18:35
My "First Half" at Salem House - 41:41
My Holidays, Especially One Happy Afternoon - 32:50
I Have a Memorable Birthday - 28:00
I Become Neglected, and am Provided For -
I Begin Life on my Own Account, and Do Not Like It - 41:31
Liking Life on my Own Account No Better, I Form a Great Resolution - 24:52
The Sequel of my Resolution - 44:11
My Aunt Makes Up Her Mind About Me - 34:41
I Make Another Beginning - 22:48
I Am A New Boy in More Senses Than One - 59:02
Somebody Turns Up - 47:07
A Retrospect - 22:49
I Look About Me and Make A Discovery - 32:54
Steerforth's Home - 21:10
Little Em'ly - 54:02
Some Old Scenes, and Some New People - 1:00:43
I Corroborate Mr. Dick and Choose a New Profession - 33:37
My First Dissipation - 20:59
Good and Bad Angels - 49:17
I Fall Into Captivity - 39:41
Tommy Traddles - 22:40
Mr. Micawber's Gauntlet - 46:34
I Visit Steerforth at his Home Again - 20:43
A Loss - 20:36
A Greater Loss - 22:22
The Beginning of a Long Journey - 47:37